Episode 8

Episode 8 – Kim Vesey

Join us as Kim Vesey shares her story with us! Kim has been a Hospice Nurse for over 35 years. At the young age of 45, Kim became a widow with two children that were still in their teenage years. Kim then shares the heartbreaking story of losing her 29 year old daughter to complications from an asthma attack, leaving behind her 3 year old Warren. God used Kim in a mighty way! Not only to help her grieve, but to help her grandson! He is now using Kim to help children all across the world! Thank you for sharing your story Kim of how God is present-even in the darkest times. Sometimes we are in so much pain, we can’t even form thoughts or words to pray…..but know God is there.

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The Shared Cup Podcast

This podcast was created as a way for women to share where they have experienced the overflowing love of God in their life with other women.  At the last supper, Jesus poured the wine into his cup and passed it around for all of them to share.  This podcast is a reflection of that.  God pours into each one of us & we want to have the chance to share with others! All of us can learn from the experiences of other women & we can also be encouraged through the hope of their story! Check out The Shared Cup and let us know if you ever want to be a guest or if you know of anyone that you think would be great for our show!  I pray that this show is a blessing to your life!

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Episode 40 – Kristen Humiston

Episode 40 – Kristen Humiston

Join us as my guest Kristen Humiston shares her personal story with us. After coming from a dark place of spiritual woundedness, Kristen found herself renewed with hope as she sat with a coach who used the power of insightful questions to draw out the wounds from the deep places of her soul. As she listened to these questions and had space to process through her own thoughts, she realized the transformative power coaching brings for anyone brave enough to take the step and begin the coaching process. This grew a passion in her to offer the same healing to others who might be in the place she’d been. Sometimes the wounds require counseling and techniques used in a therapy setting. However, sometimes the wounds just need a little light and hope can once again be established. Because of Kristen’s story, she is now able to help Christian women who may have experienced wounds due to experiences within the church setting begin to see the Truth of Who God is, Who they are in Him, and how they can begin to walk in a way of healing.
Thank you Kristen for sharing your story!

Scripture reference: 1 John 4:19, 1 Peter 4:19

Episode 39 – Jessica Fox

Episode 39 – Jessica Fox

Join us as my guest Jessica Fox shares her story with us. Jessica shares about her time in full-time ministry & her 5 years of running her own church. She shares how this impacted her & eventually led to burnout. This then led to her adrenals failing, depression setting in & a panic attack that lasted 3 hours. Jessica took an 8-week sabbatical to rest and recover. During the 8 weeks, she was not getting better & after going back she ended up at her Doctor’s office again who told her she was not going back & gave her all the paperwork to be on disability.
She’d lost everything & was so tired she couldn’t get out of bed. Almost a year later she was finally up to about 70%. She wanted a fresh start, so Jessica & her husband started dreaming about moving! They found the perfect location & set the date when they were going to move. And that’s where everything changed. In 2019 the Oil industry in Alberta took a dive & which led to Jessica’s husband losing a lot of his business & he was the only provider for the family at that time. They were facing bankruptcy. The job hunt began for her husband. They had their list of dream spots & “accidentally” ended up interviewing for a job in Arkansas! But it was all God’s divine plan! He was offered the job on the spot & they were moving 3 weeks later. It was a HUGE leap of faith, just trusting in the Lord.

Scripture reference: Romans 12, Joshua 1:8

Episode 38 – Sherri Everett

Episode 38 – Sherri Everett

Join us as my guest Sherri Everett shares her story with us. Sherri’s story starts at a place when she found herself in the ICU in the burn center. They weren’t sure if she was going to live or die. It all started with a simple cold… and then she got to a point where she looked like the Walking Dead. Thankfully the doctors at UNC were able to narrow it down & ended up diagnosing her with a rare disease called MERM. This is a derivative of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Sherri was burning from the inside out.
But.. everything started to change when the Priest came to pray with her and gave her some of the host. Her body was starting to heal!
Sherri’s story is truly inspirational. Thank you Sherri for sharing your story with us!

Scripture reference: Mat 7:12

Episode 37 – Kristin Rogers

Episode 37 – Kristin Rogers

Join us as my guest Kristin Rogers shares her story of growing up broken, longing to fill a void in her life. Growing up in a home without Jesus had it's obstacles. She would visit her family in FL each summer starting at a young age and in turn met Jesus. The void was never completely gone as she would return back home unchurched or discipled. So at a young age, she turned to relationships, boys! She tried to fill the hole in her heart with boys.
Before she graduated high school, she had experienced more relationship trauma than most 30 year old women; she was cheated on, physically abused, and verbally abused, you name it, she had experienced it.
And then she was off to college & full rebellion set in. She started dabbling in drugs & was smoking a ton of pot. But she was still doing really well with her grades.
Then one day, she got a phone call, her Cousin Lindsey had been life-flighted. And she hit her knees, bargaining with God to save her cousin & if He did, she would follow him.
So Kristin left school & flew down to help care for her cousin.
She stayed for a good while, but then decided to move back to be with her parents.
During her time in Georgia she drew closer to Jesus. She started to seek Him more. She got her first Bible and, started journaling.
Then, her Senior year in College, her mom left her dad. At that point, depression anxiety, PTSD set in for the first time.
Moving forward, she graduated& went out with some friends, and met her future husband.
Fast forward, they got married, and had a beautiful baby boy!
One day, at 27 years old, while organizing her bookshelf, she had an encounter with the Lord. Everything changed.
She acknowledged one hard fact about herself that day that led to years of inner work in the Spirit.
God has revealed that she had an approval addiction, she was a perfectionist, and she was a self sabotager. Just to name a few.
Over time God has transformed a broken heart into a strong and bold one!
Her story is truly inspiring!! If it doesn't feel beautiful right now, Jesus can make it beautiful! He turns ashes into beauty! Thank you to Kristin for sharing her story with us today.

Scripture reference: Isaiah 61:3; Psalm 46:10, Psalm 139

Song reference: The Unmaking by Nicole Nordeman

Episode 36 – Sara Vogel

Episode 36 – Sara Vogel

Join us as my returning guest Sara Vogel shares her story of truly being open to God’s plan in her life & the life of a complete stranger. Two years ago, the thought popped in her head, “I wonder what it would take to donate an organ.” Not thinking anything of it, she let it go. But the thought kept returning. Then the same year, in the summer of 2018 Sara saw a Facebook post; a young man in Cincinnati was looking for a kidney. Sara looked into how someone would know if they are a match & started taking steps of obedience. Mounds of paperwork, blood tests, and then the waiting. As she was going through the process, God gave her opportunity after opportunity to share the story of how God put this on her heart. So far, she was a match! Sara was then asked to come to Christ Hospital in Cincinnati for a full day of testing. More bloodwork, blood pressure monitoring, urinalysis, and much more. It was getting real & she was getting nervous!! Sara asked God to confirm that this was what HE wanted her to do. That same day, there was an update on the Facebook page. They hadn’t posted in 4 months. The young man that needed a kidney was doing worse! He was now on dialysis 10 hours a day. They were pleading for people to get tested to see if they were a match.
This was a sign for Sara that this was indeed God’s plan. Then in January 2019 she got the call. She was approved & was a match! Surgery was scheduled for April 9, 2019. They both went through surgery that day & the first question Sara asked “How is he?” He was great! All along, she just knew that God was going to make it all ok. She never doubted his providence! In August of 2019 Sara got to contact her kidney recipient! She wanted to tell him that God sent her for him! Then in September she got to meet him & his family. What an amazing testimony of God’s goodness, his faithfulness & his provision!

Episode 35 – Ashley Becker

Episode 35 – Ashley Becker

Join us as my guest Ashley Becker shares her story of receiving life-changing news at the young age of 20. After having symptoms, pain, tests… and no answers… she received a call from her doctor. In the middle of a mass, they removed was Cancer…. in shock, Ashley wouldn’t comprehend what was ahead.
Everything moved so quickly! Ashley shares about going through all of her treatments & how God, her family, and friends really got her through. Ashley also shares encouragement for others & is trying to raise awareness to women everywhere about Ovarian Cancer. Praise the Lord – Ashley has been cancer-free for 2 YEARS now!! Thank you Ashley for being brave & sharing your story with us!

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

Episode 34 – Andrea Anderson

Episode 34 – Andrea Anderson

Join us as Andrea Anderson shares her story of being called by God to help other Christian women with their health. It was something she never imagined she would be doing and she resisted fully stepping into for years out of fear and lack of confidence. Andrea shares what God used to get her attention to pay attention to her own health, the struggles she experienced along the way – especially with anxiety and not feeling “like herself” for years, and what she sees many women struggling with today. Her story highlights how God knows the plans He has for us and His mercy and patience toward us when we’re slow to get on board with that plan.

Scripture: Psalm 139

Episode 33 – Elizabeth Fry

Episode 33 – Elizabeth Fry

Join us as my guest Elizabeth Fry shares her story of healing! Elizabeth had lost hope and was tortured by times of despair, bitterness, and loneliness. She had given birth to twin boys who lived for eight and a half days, followed by a Doctor telling her that her painful and multiple debilitating health challenges would prevent her from ever working again. So very much seemed lost. Listen to her inspiring journey of how God helped her overcome these daunting challenges to experience energizing hope, feel good again, and discover anew His mission for her life. Her testimony is packed with many practical suggestions and empowering perspectives for you to regain joyful hope amidst the particular struggles you face. Thank you again to Elizabeth for sharing with our audience today!

Episode 32 – Melissa Kottelenberg

Episode 32 – Melissa Kottelenberg

Join us as my guest Melissa Kottelenberg shares the story of her fourth child, Tyson. When Tyson was born, he was sleeping a lot & had to be woken up to feed. Melissa knew that something wasn’t right, so they took Tyson to the Emergency Room. God placed their Pediatrician in the ER that day who took a look at Tyson & quickly recognized there was an issue.
It was discovered that Tyson was born with severe congenital heart defects. He's had 3 open-heart surgeries and multiple cardiac procedures, scans, tests, etc and he was at one time heading down the transplant road because he used to get sick so often, the doctors talked about doing not only a heart transplant but also a lung transplant! It's a miracle that he is alive because his defects are so severe that they are 100% fatal if left untreated. Melissa has seen God's providence and cares in so many areas of Tyson’s life! God also led Melissa to the healing powers of doTERRA essential oils that have not only changed the course of Tyson’s life but also Melissa’s! Now… Tyson’s medical team no longer talks about a heart + lung transplant with them! To God be the glory!! Thank you Melissa for sharing with us!

Scripture: Psalm 27:1, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 145:136

About Me

My name is Alison Liddic.  I have been married to my husband Tony for 19 years. We have 3 beautiful teenage daughters together.  I have always been an entrepreneur at heart my whole life & have started multiple businesses with my husband from scratch.

God has truly gifted me to be able to see the big picture vision & see the steps that need to be take to make that vision happen.  This is something I have been helping clients with for years! 

It truly is my passion to help bring passion and purpose back to my clients businesses that not only results in financial growth, but their quality of life is completely transformed! 


"Alison has been amazing!! She has helped me breakdown my business into sections and really process each one. So many unanswered questions are easily being answered. She really helps you find the “why” In what you are doing. You may find out some very interesting facts that you didn’t realize before about yourself and your business. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I give her 5 stars because her vision is clear, her heart is in the right place and she truly wants to see you thrive and succeed." ~ Tina T.

"I just have to share how amazingly gifted this woman is! Not only does she help to motivate you, she is inspiring! We can do anything we set our mind to right, unless we are overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin, that’s where Alison comes in. She will help YOU make your dream become a reality. I’ve not had a true business of my own before, although I feel I’m being called to start something new. Alison has played a huge role in me knowing the first steps to take. Thank you Alison for sharing your God given, inspiring gift with all of us!" ~ Brynn C.

"She's got a brilliant mind when it comes to sorting through all the BS online these days and getting to what actually matters and makes the fastest impact on results.

And a little secret you may already know (or not) is that knowing your purpose for your business and having clarity around it, allows you to grow your business with joy and excitement.

She's great at helping you figure that out too!" ~ Anthony S.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

If you are ready to see things change in your business and in your personal life then let's get started!! But, please know, this does take work from you. So, if you don't consider yourself to be a hard worker and an action taker then this is not going to work for you.

If you are ready to take action and are open to coaching, then girl, what are you waiting for? Let's do this!

Don't Wait Any Longer. Get Back On The Path To Passion & Purpose!