Episode 38

Episode 38 – Sherri Everett

Join us as my guest Sherri Everett shares her story with us. Sherri’s story starts at a place when she found herself in the ICU in the burn center. They weren’t sure if she was going to live or die. It all started with a simple cold… and then she got to a point where she looked like the Walking Dead. Thankfully the doctors at UNC were able to narrow it down & ended up diagnosing her with a rare disease called MERM. This is a derivative of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Sherri was burning from the inside out. But.. everything started to change when the Priest came to pray with her and gave her some of the host. Her body was starting to heal! Sherri’s story is truly inspirational. Thank you Sherri for sharing your story with us!

Scripture reference: Mat 7:12

New Episodes!

The Shared Cup Podcast

This podcast was created as a way for women to share where they have experienced the overflowing love of God in their life with other women.  At the last supper, Jesus poured the wine into his cup and passed it around for all of them to share.  This podcast is a reflection of that.  God pours into each one of us & we want to have the chance to share with others! All of us can learn from the experiences of other women & we can also be encouraged through the hope of their story! Check out The Shared Cup and let us know if you ever want to be a guest or if you know of anyone that you think would be great for our show!  I pray that this show is a blessing to your life!

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Episode 30 – Cherlyn Decker

Episode 30 – Cherlyn Decker

Join me as we welcome back my guest Cherlyn Decker! If you didn’t catch her last episode, make sure you check out episode 24. Today Cherlyn shares with us how to unleash our ROAR.
R = Respond. First we have to know how to respond. Find a promise from God about what’s going on in your life right now and begin speaking it out loud. “When we know what God says about our circumstances and we declare those things out loud it commands God’s authority over our circumstances”
O = Overcome Obstacles. Second we have to learn how to overcome the obstacles. Take a quick minute to think about your trials – ask yourself were there any traps which you see now in hindsight? “One of the key things to remember when it comes to the obstacles is we can see them coming.  If we know what to look for. We have to spot the traps
A = Apply. Third we apply what we’ve learned from previous seasons. Sometimes our thoughts and feelings are not true. Sometimes they lie to us. Most of us have heard that voice that whispers in our ear things that are not true about us or someone else and get us to doubt, to wonder, to question until we believe the lie. We need to take those thoughts and feelings captive. Philippians 4:8 says to think on whatever is true. This means we have a choice, we have control over what we think and what we feel and we can FILTER them as soon as they come in and filter them through what we know to be true. Begin to evaluate your story to find the lessons and then ask God to show you his perspective. “We cannot avoid trials in the future, oh I wish we could. But, how we survive one trial is an indicator of how we will survive the next one. Unless something changes.”
R = Reveal. And last we reveal our story to others. You don’t have to wait for the trial to be over: you can start by telling your story to someone over lunch today then over the next few weeks begin to journal about what God has done for you and over the next month think through who your story can help. “The enemy wants to keep us quiet, when our trials are finally over, he wants us to get on with life. He doesn’t want us to be vulnerable about our struggles and he doesn’t want us to share our triumphs. But I’m telling you to share it because it will help others be overcomers.”

Episode 29 – Rachel Yastro

Episode 29 – Rachel Yastro

Join us as Rachel Yastro shares her story with us. Being raised Catholic, Rachel always considered herself to be a Christian. She believed in God, she had a reverence for Him… so she was a Christian. But after her Freshman year in College, her close friend kept inviting her to church with her. After many no’s, she finally said yes. And she ended up going all summer. The summer ended with her realizing that she was a sinner and needed a Savior. She gave her life to Jesus Christ. Just 3 short weeks later… she returned to college, a baby Christian, not yet having a foundation to build on. This led to her going right back to her old friend groups & doing things the way she did before. Fast forward to the summer of her senior year, her boyfriend of 3 years proposed. She said yes! But the Holy Spirit began to work on her. Rachel’s fiancé was not a Christian. She started to become physically ill over it. Rachel was wrestling with God over it, and 4 weeks before the wedding, she called it off. God began opening new doors of growth. First, in TX working with Women of Faith, then to GA with Dream Big Ministries. It was while in GA that she met her husband Ryan. The ladies she worked with at Dream big really challenged her to dig into the Bible more, and so she did. And God really came alive to her! God began to speak to her through stories in the Bible that she had never read before; showing her the picture of Jesus in 2 Samuel & reminding her that she’s invited to eat at the King’s table forever! This sparked a passion in Rachel to teach the word of God! So much so that Rachel and her husband Ryan started a ministry called Seek Truth Ministries and Media.

Scripture: Genesis 32:24-28, 2 Chronicles 22, 2 Samuel 9, Deuteronomy 32:47, Ezekiel 3:3, Psalm 1:2

Episode 28 – Ashley Price

Episode 28 – Ashley Price

Join us this as my guest, Ashley Price, shares her very personal story of being sexually assaulted as a Freshman in college.  Growing up in NJ, Ashley always knew she would live in the South.  She was raised in a non-Christian home, yet just knew that God had a plan for her to marry a Southern, Christian man. Ashley grew up close to the beach in NJ & wanted to attend a college in the south, but wanted to be close to the beach. So she searched & applied to one college in South Carolina that was close to the beach & she got in! She was so excited to move and start her college days. While she was there for orientation, she met a boy and quickly started falling for him. She would see him often & they would spend evenings and nights talking on the phone. Then things took a quick turn. Ashley had not been feeling good that day, so she stayed in her dorm room with her roommate. The boy she had been talking to wanted to come to visit her, so she said yes. While he was there, Ashley was sexually assaulted by him and then he left.  Ashley was left wondering what in the world just happened?? After speaking with a close friend that is a Police Officer, Ashley called campus police to report what happened.  This was the start of something huge at her school.  Because he was a Football player for a D1 school, this became BIG news fast.  After this was made known on campus, other girls started coming forward, over and over again reporting sexual assault by members of the football team.  Ashely’s action led to the uncovering of a huge coverup of sexual assault incidents on the football team. Things started to get rough for Ashley, being publicly harassed by students, fans of the football team, etc.  Because Ashley did not yet know Jesus, she started looking to alcohol for comfort.  Ashley shares how she was heading down a really bad path, but God met her at the age of 24 and she gave her life to Jesus! Looking back, she can see God’s protection in her life even when she wasn’t following Jesus. Even though this was a horrible thing that happened in Ashley’s life, the purpose was for good! She continues to share & see the many ways that God is making an impact. Thank you Ashley for sharing your story!

Scripture: Ephesians 2:10 

Episode 27 – Clarice Cabanlit

Episode 27 – Clarice Cabanlit

Join us as my guest, Clarice Cabanlit shares her story of discovering her true identity with us. Growing up, Clarice would have considered herself average. Others described her as shy her whole life. After high school, Clarice ended up going to a University that she wasn’t really excited about, but she went because it was a “good” school. She entered college not really knowing what God wanted her to do with her life. So she majored in Business. Halfway through University, she started to feel God calling her to major in Education. But since she had already spent so much time going for Business… she just continued on.
After graduation, Clarice got a really good job with a hotel chain. It was a “good” job, but she just kept feeling God pull her to be in Education. So she quit. Then she ended up job-hopping as she was trying to discover God’s purpose for her life.
When an education job opened in Indonesia & she jumped on the opportunity! Her plan was to try it out for a year & that ended up staying 6 years. After the 6 years, Clarice then felt God leading her to move back to her home in the Philippines. It was at that point where she really started to doubt because there weren’t any job opportunities in education in the Philippines. She was questioning if she really did hear from God. He then reminded her that God’s plans are always GREAT, not from a human perspective, but because its God’s plans for her life. God then started to reveal to Clarice that it’s not about the career that she chooses, it’s about her living her life honoring him and worshiping him in what she does. God shifted her perspective and she was now really focused on making an impact in children’s lives. God was also really teaching her about her true identity in Christ! As she looked back through the timeline of her life, she could see God’s handiwork in everything she had ever gone through. She now knows that she is fearfully & wonderfully made because God is working in her & through her.

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:16, Ephesians 2:10, James 1:5

Episode 26 – Kim Waggoner

Episode 26 – Kim Waggoner

Join us as my guest Kim Waggoner shares her story with us! Kim grew up in a home where her father was an alcoholic. Her parents ended up getting a divorce when she was only 10 years old. This left her with wounds that God would reveal later in her life. God had always been her go-to, someone Kim could always talk to her whole life. But it had been hard for her to understand God as her Father figure since she had such trauma from her relationship with her earthly father. But as she explained to God how much she loved her children, and that she would do anything for them, God revealed to her that he felt the same way for her. That changed everything for Kim! After being married & living in an abusive relationship, Kim was led down the path of divorce. As a single mom, she found herself in a spot where she was totally relying on God to get her through and for the protection of her family. Kim also shares how God changed her heart about love, and she then remarried. Then in 2010, she received a Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis. This challenged her faith at a whole new level. But God was not done with Kim on this earth. He had big plans for her. Kim shares how God has taught her to work out of a place of rest and grace instead of performance, pushing, grinding, and striving. In the process, he reminded her of her identity as a daughter first! Women, remember, YOU are enough! God is trustworthy and faithful. You aren’t loved based on your performance. God will guide and direct your workday. Working to perform feels like a heavy yoke.. driven by a taskmaster. Working from a place of grace and rest is a light burden, brings peace, motivated by love. Thank you so much to Kim for sharing her story with us today!
Scripture: Psalm 4:8, 1 Samuel 16:7, Genesis 50:20, Isaiah 43:19, Matthew 9:17, Isaiah 61:3

Episode 25 – Reelika Schulte

Episode 25 – Reelika Schulte

Join us as Reelika Schulte shares her story with us. Reelika was born in the Soviet Union.  She was always an A+ student destined for great things. Reelika found herself in a toxic relationship and found out that she was pregnant. When she was 6 months pregnant, she decided to leave the relationship. Her loving parents took her in to help support her and her son. During this, Reelika struggled with feeling like a failure and felt a lot of shame. But she always had faith & knew God wanted more for her.
It was a turning point in her life when she gave herself permission to feel loved again. After much prayer, God led her to an online dating site. And after a short time, she had a connection with a man through this site.  The problem… she was in Northern Europe & he was in the US. But that didn’t stop them from growing closer in their relationship. Reelika was actively seeking signs of confirmation from the Lord and He started giving her sign after sign. This wasn’t just a husband for her, she wanted to make sure he was the perfect dad for her son.
After a planned “short” visit to the US, Reelika received a proposal for marriage! She left everything behind and started her new life. Five years later, they just celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary & recently added a new baby to the family! And Reelika’s first son is best buddies with her husband! He never even remembers life without his new dad.
Thank you again to Reelika for sharing with us today!
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 6:34

Episode 24 – Cherlyn Decker

Episode 24 – Cherlyn Decker

Join us as my guest, Cherlyn Decker shares her story of how life changed from one phone call. It was her boss… letting her know that her position had been eliminated. What would she do? After leaving her highly successful corporate position to work at a startup, this phone call seemed to come out of nowhere. It couldn’t be… The loss of this income was over 60% of their funds for the family. Cherlyn shares how God drew her to His word, giving her scriptures to remind her of His promises. As she dug in more, and grew closer and closer to the heart of the Father, she was being transformed. God was making her new! On top of that, he was completely changing how Cherlyn reacted to problems. His loving arms became a safe haven for her, allowing her to find rest in the storm. She is now equipped to face whatever comes her way. Tune in to learn the steps the Cherlyn took while going through this journey of job loss. And how God started opening new doors for her that now allow her to work with thousands of women worldwide! Thank you again to Cherlyn for sharing your story with us!
Scripture: Psalm 91:10, Hebrews 13:21, Romans 8:28, Romans 12:2

Episode 23 – Denise Arnoudse

Episode 23 – Denise Arnoudse

Join us as Denise Arnoudse shares her very personal story of losing her baby girl when she was 18 weeks pregnant. Denise had always dreamed of having 3 children, and she always wanted a girl. When she was pregnant with her third child, she was hopeful for those words “it’s a girl”. But the way she heard those words were not what she wanted. When she was 18 weeks along, the doctors discovered that there was no heartbeat for their baby. They were devastated. After delivering the baby, it was at that moment when the doctors said “it’s a girl”… her little girl. Her third and final child. Gone before she ever got to know her. This changed everything for Denise. Everything that used to be important in her life now seemed to lose its significance. She was mad & was mad a God. Why would God take her baby? But after seeking the Lord, and working with the Hope Mommies program, her perspective started to change. God started to show her the time that she did get to have with her baby. And Denise learned how to grieve in a healthy way. She has also created a space for others to process their grief on her Gracious Grief website. Thank you so much to Denise for sharing her story today!

Episode 22 – Jennie Hays

Episode 22 – Jennie Hays

Join us as Jennie Hays shares her story of battling her difficulty getting pregnant. Through this process, Jennie learned that she had PCOS, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and wasn’t ovulating.  She had always believed that God has a purpose for everything that He does and that His timing is perfect, but when you are in the middle of infertility you really start to wonder if you are right. Jennie didn’t give up hope, but she found it SO hard to hold on to the small thread of hope she did have. Not knowing what PCOS was, or what to do about it. Jennie began to research. She found out that it is an Insulin Resistance Disease and if not treated can lead to Diabetes T2.  She had always been told that Diabetes was irreversible, progressive, and deadly.  She was terrified as she was at that time working in a podiatrist's office scheduling surgeries…most of which were diabetics losing their toes and feet. 
Jennie took this to God asking Him to reveal a way to fix this! He showed her that there is actually a way to reverse it with both diet and lifestyle changes. Immediately, Jennie started this and not only did it reverse the Prediabetes in the first 2 months, but she also started ovulating for the first time in probably over 20 years and the weight just flew off! 
In the first week of December, she had a positive pregnancy test!  They were so excited.  And then a week later she miscarried.  Jennie was devastated! She was heartbroken. They kept trying & trying, but no more positive tests. This went on for 6 months. 
When both step-daughters called in the same week to tell them they were pregnant they knew it was time to stop trying.   It wasn’t until one day at work Jennie had someone who was sharing their struggles with Diabetes and she was able to share her knowledge with them that God revealed.  While breaking her heart was never God’s plan, He knew that the infertility journey would not only save Jennie’s life but help her to save the lives of countless other women.  Jennie had a new calling on her life.  To share this new information with women all over the world! And now, she has two beautiful grandsons to love! Thank you Jennie for sharing your story!

About Me

My name is Alison Liddic.  I have been married to my husband Tony for 19 years. We have 3 beautiful teenage daughters together.  I have always been an entrepreneur at heart my whole life & have started multiple businesses with my husband from scratch.

God has truly gifted me to be able to see the big picture vision & see the steps that need to be take to make that vision happen.  This is something I have been helping clients with for years! 

It truly is my passion to help bring passion and purpose back to my clients businesses that not only results in financial growth, but their quality of life is completely transformed! 


"Alison has been amazing!! She has helped me breakdown my business into sections and really process each one. So many unanswered questions are easily being answered. She really helps you find the “why” In what you are doing. You may find out some very interesting facts that you didn’t realize before about yourself and your business. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I give her 5 stars because her vision is clear, her heart is in the right place and she truly wants to see you thrive and succeed." ~ Tina T.

"I just have to share how amazingly gifted this woman is! Not only does she help to motivate you, she is inspiring! We can do anything we set our mind to right, unless we are overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin, that’s where Alison comes in. She will help YOU make your dream become a reality. I’ve not had a true business of my own before, although I feel I’m being called to start something new. Alison has played a huge role in me knowing the first steps to take. Thank you Alison for sharing your God given, inspiring gift with all of us!" ~ Brynn C.

"She's got a brilliant mind when it comes to sorting through all the BS online these days and getting to what actually matters and makes the fastest impact on results.

And a little secret you may already know (or not) is that knowing your purpose for your business and having clarity around it, allows you to grow your business with joy and excitement.

She's great at helping you figure that out too!" ~ Anthony S.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

If you are ready to see things change in your business and in your personal life then let's get started!! But, please know, this does take work from you. So, if you don't consider yourself to be a hard worker and an action taker then this is not going to work for you.

If you are ready to take action and are open to coaching, then girl, what are you waiting for? Let's do this!

Don't Wait Any Longer. Get Back On The Path To Passion & Purpose!