Episode 28
Episode 28 – Ashley Price
Join us this as my guest, Ashley Price, shares her very personal story of being sexually assaulted as a Freshman in college. Growing up in NJ, Ashley always knew she would live in the South. She was raised in a non-Christian home, yet just knew that God had a plan for her to marry a Southern, Christian man. Ashley grew up close to the beach in NJ & wanted to attend a college in the south, but wanted to be close to the beach. So she searched & applied to one college in South Carolina that was close to the beach & she got in! She was so excited to move and start her college days. While she was there for orientation, she met a boy and quickly started falling for him. She would see him often & they would spend evenings and nights talking on the phone. Then things took a quick turn. Ashley had not been feeling good that day, so she stayed in her dorm room with her roommate. The boy she had been talking to wanted to come to visit her, so she said yes. While he was there, Ashley was sexually assaulted by him and then he left. Ashley was left wondering what in the world just happened?? After speaking with a close friend that is a Police Officer, Ashley called campus police to report what happened. This was the start of something huge at her school. Because he was a Football player for a D1 school, this became BIG news fast. After this was made known on campus, other girls started coming forward, over and over again reporting sexual assault by members of the football team. Ashely’s action led to the uncovering of a huge coverup of sexual assault incidents on the football team. Things started to get rough for Ashley, being publicly harassed by students, fans of the football team, etc. Because Ashley did not yet know Jesus, she started looking to alcohol for comfort. Ashley shares how she was heading down a really bad path, but God met her at the age of 24 and she gave her life to Jesus! Looking back, she can see God’s protection in her life even when she wasn’t following Jesus. Even though this was a horrible thing that happened in Ashley’s life, the purpose was for good! She continues to share & see the many ways that God is making an impact. Thank you Ashley for sharing your story!
Scripture: Ephesians 2:10
New Episodes!
The Shared Cup Podcast
This podcast was created as a way for women to share where they have experienced the overflowing love of God in their life with other women. At the last supper, Jesus poured the wine into his cup and passed it around for all of them to share. This podcast is a reflection of that. God pours into each one of us & we want to have the chance to share with others! All of us can learn from the experiences of other women & we can also be encouraged through the hope of their story! Check out The Shared Cup and let us know if you ever want to be a guest or if you know of anyone that you think would be great for our show! I pray that this show is a blessing to your life!
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Episode 21 – Ann Visser
Join us as Ann Visser shares her story of falling head over heels for a boy named Melis. When she got up the courage to ask him out, he told her that he would only date girls that were Christians. Well, this led her to want to know more about Christianity, and with the help of Melis and asking God lots of questions, she gave her life to Jesus Christ. Ann shares her story of met Jesus Christ in a profound way, she and Melis fell in love, got married & had 5 kiddos in 6 years! About 15 years into the marriage, things started to get rocky. Ann was at the point where she said, “I can't do marriage like this anymore.” After having a heartfelt conversation, and seeking help, they found their mentor Dr. Gary Smalley who taught then Conflict is the doorway to Intimacy. Dr. Smalley taught them how to fight a good fight. He taught them to communicate more effectively. They found new hope. They fell in love again. They boarded a personal growth journey that has continued to this day…And they even started working with couples in their spare time. Ann started working with women through Open Door Ministries who work with marginalized women. Now, Ann & Melis have a company helping women & couples called 4 Better 4 Ever Thank you Ann for sharing your story with us!
Scripture: Matthew 7:7, Ephesians 4:2
Book reference: Making Love Last Forever, Dr. Gary Smalley
Episode 20 – Kimberley Mathews
Join us as we welcome back Kimberley Mathews! Kimberley shares her very personal story of finding out about her husband's pornography addiction after being married for 20 years. Kimberley shares with us about the season of Grace that the Lord had for her husband for 20 years while he continued to remain in the sin of pornography. She then shares about the next phase that takes place, the warning! Her husband received a warning in church one day as the pastor received a word from the Lord about someone in the church that was in a deep-rooted sexual sin. The Lord said that this person had one year to repent to the Lord in private. And if he didn’t, he would be exposed, piece by piece, bit by bit. Repentance did not take place, one year passed, and sure enough, that’s when the Lord started to reveal things to Kimberley about her husband's sexual sin. The way that God moved was nothing less than the supernatural!
Kimberley also shares amazing advice for women who have a husband that is into pornography as well as powerful advice for men! Don’t miss this episode! Pornography is not a “normal” part of anyone's life & together we need to expose the enemy for this lie! Thank you to Kimberley for stepping out and sharing your story with us!
Scripture: Proverbs 5:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, Proverbs 30:21-23, Luke 8:17, Judges 7:9, Romans 6:23, Proverbs 24:6, Galatians 5:7, Proverbs 21:1, Numbers 23:19, Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 27:20, Proverbs 26:11, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Galatians 6:7, Proverbs 7
Episode 19 – Alison Liddic
Join us as I (Alison Liddic) share my personal story of searching for 12 years for answers to my ever evolving health issues. I was 38 years old and literally felt like I was going to die. Going up the stairs was a huge task as I felt extreme pain in my joints, and my bones ached from the inside out. Every test was perfect, and my doctors had no answers. But God revealed something called Breast Implant Illness… something that was a totally new term to me! Once I found out, I went through all the phases of grief in about 1 week. I had literally felt robbed of so many years of my life. Years with my children that I will never get back! God led me down all the right paths the more I seeked his face & eventually to a surgeon in Florida to have my implants removed. Every step of the way was answered prayer, after answered prayer! God was showing me through this how amazing He is and how much he cared for me! He was also reaching me about my true identity in Christ Jesus & was taking me back to my heart motives for getting the breast implants in the first place. It’s now been 9 months since my surgery & God continues to heal me with each and every day! Almost every single symptom I had is 100% gone! Gone! I truly feel like God gave me a second chance to live my life.
Scripture: John 1:12, John 15:15, Romans 5:1, Rev 12:11
Episode 18 – Joanna Ward
Join us this Thursday at 9am as Joanna Ward shares her story of being freed from depression! Joanna grew up in a wonderful Christian home with loving, supportive parents. She lived a very protected life. In her early 20’s she started to rebel & was living the way that she wanted to live. She began partying and was drifting away from God.
During this time, she had 3 events happen to her in the same summer; She lost the job she loved, had a repressed sexual abuse memory come back suddenly & the guy she thought was “the one” ended up breaking up with her.
This was not how it was supposed to be! She ended up depressed and spiraling in the wrong direction. The enemy took full advantage of that situation and started feeding her lies about herself. Joanna spent the next month planning to end her life. Praise The Lord, her sister found her & it ended with 3 days in ICU, a couple more in the hospital and she was walking out the doors.
From there, Joanna battled chronic depression. She was told she would never be off medication again. What she didn’t realize is this was a heart issue! God wants and desires our hearts and her heart was “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” God started a journey to get Joanna’s heart.
Gory be to God who led Joanna through an 18 year journey that ended with her being freed from depression! She now is helping women all over experience freedom through Christ just like she did.
Thank you Joanna for sharing your story!
Scripture reference: Acts 10:34, Isaiah 40:28-29, Philippians 1:6, Revelation 12:11
Books: Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen – Captivating by Stasi Eldredge
Episode 17 – Katia Ravé
Join us as Katia Ravé shares her story of being a very successful business owner & then, 10 years ago, her business failed… and so did her marriage. She never thought she was going to be happy again! But God started to reveal things to Katia. She began to seek him, not just in prayer, but spending time in the Word of God and learning about His character and who SHE is. He helped her to trust God and His timing & to let go of anxiety and wanting to control everything. Katia is now a successful business owner yet again, and is helping other women to learn how to be successful in their business, spiritually and in life. She is also getting married again this August to a man that also loves God! Katia shares things she did to help her in life and in business. She also shares with us about her new book, Success Is A Dance, and about her 2nd book that she is in the midst of writing right now. Thank you so much Katia for sharing with us today! We are grateful for how God has worked in your life and for you taking the time to share with us today.
Scripture reference: Romans 5:3-4, Proverbs 31
Episode 16 – Jennifer Garman
Join us as Jennifer Garman shares her story of how she became very ill out of nowhere with no answers. As a busy mom of three, working full time, Jennifer was not expecting to be stopped completely in her tracks. But that’s exactly what happened. Her health went from totally normal one day to what Jennifer describes as falling off a cliff the next day. Because of her health, she had to quit her job that she loved & she was missing out on life.
But then God revealed to her something that has been in the Bible all along. He showed Jennifer how to renew her mind through gratitude and in no time, she was completely healed! Thank you Lord! Jennifer was so amazed at what God revealed to her! She wanted to share it with the world. And that’s exactly what she’s doing in her business now. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Jennifer!
Episode 15 – Hannah Rock
Join us as Hannah Rock shares her story of life changing as she knew it when she was at the young age of 18 years old. Hannah grew up dancing and being on stage and loved to dance as an expression of worship for the Lord. At the young age of 18, Hannah was in a car accident that left her in a wheelchair & a quadriplegic. She had to learn how to do everything all over again. Hannah shares her story of dealing with her new life in a wheelchair & the emotions that come with that. She was able to shift her mindset from complaining to praising! And now, she is pursuing social media influencing to help get her story to the world. Hannah’s story is very inspirational & I’m grateful that she stepped out and shared her story with us.
Episode 14 – Kimberley Mathews
Join us as Kimberley Mathews shares her story. She was born a Thalidomide Baby resulting in many physical deformities due to the prescription medication. Kimberley shares intimate details about the abuse she went through because of this & the impact it had on how she felt about herself. But God redeemed her! She came to know that she is the apple of His eye. Kimberley shares how she began to truly love herself for who she was created to be & God helped her step into her greatness and placed a crown on her head! Her story is so touching. I am truly grateful for Kim stepping out and sharing her story with all of the Shared Cup listeners. Thank you again to Kimberley for sharing!
Episode 13 – LaToya Early
Join us as LaToya Early shares her story of how God put a vision in her life to step out and start her own business. Through seeking God, listening to his word, trusting Jesus and walking in obedience, she is now full time in her business. LaToya shares how God revealed this to her and what she did to follow his instruction. She also shares the challenges she went through and how God developed her during those times & gave her tools that she now uses to help her clients today. LaToya also shares to to be more fulfilled in your current job, regardless of what you are doing. And, if you have ever wanted to step out on your own, she gives advice on how to do that as well. LaToya, thank you for teaching us all how to Chase Great and Serve God!
Scripture reference: Philippians 4:19, Deuteronomy 8:18

About Me
My name is Alison Liddic. I have been married to my husband Tony for 19 years. We have 3 beautiful teenage daughters together. I have always been an entrepreneur at heart my whole life & have started multiple businesses with my husband from scratch.
God has truly gifted me to be able to see the big picture vision & see the steps that need to be take to make that vision happen. This is something I have been helping clients with for years!
It truly is my passion to help bring passion and purpose back to my clients businesses that not only results in financial growth, but their quality of life is completely transformed!
"Alison has been amazing!! She has helped me breakdown my business into sections and really process each one. So many unanswered questions are easily being answered. She really helps you find the “why” In what you are doing. You may find out some very interesting facts that you didn’t realize before about yourself and your business. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I give her 5 stars because her vision is clear, her heart is in the right place and she truly wants to see you thrive and succeed." ~ Tina T.
"I just have to share how amazingly gifted this woman is! Not only does she help to motivate you, she is inspiring! We can do anything we set our mind to right, unless we are overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin, that’s where Alison comes in. She will help YOU make your dream become a reality. I’ve not had a true business of my own before, although I feel I’m being called to start something new. Alison has played a huge role in me knowing the first steps to take. Thank you Alison for sharing your God given, inspiring gift with all of us!" ~ Brynn C.
"She's got a brilliant mind when it comes to sorting through all the BS online these days and getting to what actually matters and makes the fastest impact on results.
And a little secret you may already know (or not) is that knowing your purpose for your business and having clarity around it, allows you to grow your business with joy and excitement.
She's great at helping you figure that out too!" ~ Anthony S.
Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.
If you are ready to see things change in your business and in your personal life then let's get started!! But, please know, this does take work from you. So, if you don't consider yourself to be a hard worker and an action taker then this is not going to work for you.
If you are ready to take action and are open to coaching, then girl, what are you waiting for? Let's do this!